Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Self Defencing Tools for Safety and Security

                    Well, We all know whats happening around us day by day . . its obviously the negative incidents . . the incidents we see in nightmares, in horror movies, in an imaginary sin world . . Nowadays peoples are going mad and doing sinful things. if we take the newspaper of each day there will be 80% negative news than positive news. Humanity has been wiped out from our mind and heart. As a result more crimes have arose. The pray for crimes and harassment are mainly woman. Men also suffering from such incidents. If we take the incidents of the crimes and harassment, we can see that woman are attacked by mad bustards and men are attacked by same gender. Even though we are aware that we can't stop all the nuisance of this world, there is something we can do to protect ourselves from this mad bustards and through that we can resist the cruelties that may happen to us. Self defensing tools are really a better and best tools to protect yourselves. But the sad thing is that most of us are unaware about this self defensing tools. If we would have made a look at these possibilities of self defensing tools we could resist a lot of bad activities.

Here are some of the self defensing tools...

1) Self Defensing Spray or Pepper Spray

                      It is a best self defensing tool. It is a chemical compound made with pepper. its use is very simple. when someone came to attack you, just take the spray and spray it in that attackers eyes. Irritates the eyes to cause tears, pain, and even temporary blindness. Its inflammatory effects cause the eyes to close, taking away vision. the pain or temporary blindness will take place for 30 to 45 minutes. In that time you can escape. you can use it to save yourself from dogs and other animals that came to attack you. It is very useful in defensing and it has small size so that we can carry it easily. It is available in lipstick, pen etc. shapes. It is less costly.

Example For a Self Defencing Spray

Pepper Spray Demonstration

Video Demonstration of Self Defensing Spray

Link to Buy a less cost and effective Self Defensing Spray

                                                      Chilliguard Pepper Spray

2) Stun Guns

                     Stun gun is another useful self defensing tool. It is an electroshock weapon, an incapacitant weapon that momentarily disables a person with an electric shock. When someone came to attack you just push the button or switch in that stun gun and stun the attacker with high volt electric volt.It is directed-energy weapon, a weapon that emits energy in an aimed direction without projectile, if it causes unconsciousness. Though it is little costly, it will not be a curse if you afford some money for it as it saves your life from attackers.

Example of a Stun Gun

Stun Gun in Mobile Shape

Attacking or Function of Stun Gun

Video Demonstration of Stun Gun

Stun Gun is available in online shops like, etc.

3) Personal Alarms

                         Personal Alarm is another good self defensing device. A personal alarm is a small hand-held electronic device with the functionality to emit a loud siren-like alarming sound. . Personal alarms are a great way to draw attention to yourself when you are feeling threatened. It is very easy to use. If you feel you are in a threatened condition just push the button in the alarm. It produces a high volume sound which will help you to attract attention of others to save yourself from that threatened condition. The volume of Personal alarms very from model to model and some of them is having 130 decibels. Personal alarms are available in different sizes and shape. It is not so costly. These personal alarms are portable, lightweight and small which will be useful for walkers, joggers, traveling or even for your car. It will be a good self defensing tool for all type of peoples.


Example of a Personal Alarm

Personal Alarm in the Shape of a Key Chain

Personal Alarm in a Cute Shape

Video Demonstration of a Personal Alarm

Personal Alarm is available in online shops like and etc.

Thank you for reading.....